Recipes from posts and podcasts. Enjoy!
Brew Ratios:
Basic recipe: 60 grams of coffee to one liter water. Adjust to taste.
Cold Brew
Ready to drink:
1:15 ratio
40 grams coffee
600 ml water
- Coffee: 1 Ounce (28.3g) Water: 2 Cups (16 Ounces)
- Coffee: 2 Ounces (56.7g) Water: 4 Cups (32 Ounces)
- Coffee: 4 Ounces (113.5g) Water: 1/2 Gallon (64 Ounces)
- Coffee: 8 Ounces (227g) Water: 1 Gallon (128 Ounces)
- Coffee: 16 Ounces (454g) Water: 2 Gallons (256 Ounces)
My Preferred cold brew recipe (French press):
- Coffee: 3 ounces (1 cup) (85 g) (6 Tablespoons) water: 51 ounces(1,508 ml).
- place in refrigerator for 20-24 hours (to taste).
- strain into carafe or drip through filter and refrigerate.
- serve neat or cut with milk, cream and/or ice.
Cold Brew Concentrate:
Brew then serve mixed 1:1 with cold water. Four ounces of water to four ounces of concentrate per cup.
1:6 ratio or:
100 grams coffee
600 ml water
- coffee: 167 grams water: 1 liter (1,000 ml or 34 ounces)
- coffee: 251 grams (9 ounces) water: 51 ounces (1,508 ml)
- coffee: 157 grams water: 32 ounces (946 ml)